Asthma and allergies often occur together and can be triggered by the same irritants like pollen and mold. Asthma symptoms can range from mild to severe and can be intermittent or a daily struggle. Here are some things you should consider when you suspect that you may have asthma:
Some people are born with asthma and experience its effects from the time they are young children, others develop asthma in adulthood, along with allergies. Asthma can be frustrating, greatly inhibiting your ability to play sports and enjoy other recreational activities, but you can learn how to cope with it.
You can’t determine whether or not you have asthma simply by googling it and reading a few articles. If you suspect you may have asthma you will need to consult your physician. Because the symptoms of asthma come and go, it is not always easy to diagnose.
Your doctor will likely take a look at your family history. He or she will also ask you about the symptoms you have experienced. After a physical exam and medical tests, your doctor will be able to determine whether you have asthma or if there is some other cause for your distress.
Fortunately, asthma is a manageable disease once you have been diagnosed. There are a few different ways to treat it, and your doctor will help you find the right one for you. Once you have your asthma under control, you should be able to resume your life and get back to all the fun activities you used to do.
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