Wearing A Mask Can Reduce The Amount of Pollen You’re Inhaling

Dr. Landon Bunderson

PHD, Pollination Ecology

For those who suffer from allergies, an allergy mask can be extremely beneficial. Even if you’re working indoors, an allergy mask can be helpful.

Of course, certain outdoor activities such as gardening, yard work, mowing the lawn, and raking leaves will likely expose you to allergens. In these cases, a mask will help protect your lungs and nasal passages. Similarly, if you are recreating outdoors, for example, taking a walk or a jog, riding a motorcycle, playing sports, camping, or hiking, you may also want to consider using an allergy mask.

Masks can be used anytime you would be exposed to allergens. If you commute to work, or you work in an environment that is subject to pollutants an allergy mask is a good idea. When cleaning in your home or at work, if you will be exposed to mold or mold spores, or any other type of allergen, wear a mask.  

How Do Allergy Masks Work?

An allergy mask helps filter out the particles and pollutants that are in the air. The mask is equipped with a filter media which traps these allergens, keeping them from entering your system.

What Do Allergy Masks Protect Against?

A mask can protect you from some of the most common allergens. These typically include things like pollen, mold, pet dander, plant spores, dust, and dust mites. Some filters can even protect against pollutants like tobacco smoke, certain types of cleaners, fumes from soaps, paints, varnishes, and other irritants.

What Type Of Allergy Mask Should I Choose?

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Because there are many different types of masks, you will want to do some research to determine which is right for you. If you can identify what allergens or pollutants you most want to avoid, then you will know which type of mask to purchase.

Finally, it should be noted that while masks can’t filter every allergen, they can be extremely helpful in allowing you to pursue your regular outdoor and indoor activities by greatly reducing the amount of allergens and pollutants to which you are exposed.